Customer Reviews
23 Reviews View All
Have not had these in years. They remind me of ones my mother made when I was a kid. OH SO GOOD
So addictive! I could eat the entire jar of these crunchy delights in one day!
Freash,tasty,great yummy dude Fresh,tsdty Fresh,tsdty Fresh,tasty great side accompanied with sandwiches ,burgers and snacks.
I love them they taste just like my grandmother made when I was a kid
If you like the old time home made lime pickles, you will like these sweet pickles.
Good except for the fake green coloring. The last time I ordered them they were the natural color. More appealing and more like mom's with natural color. Not sure I will order again.
No one makes lime pickles any more. They are my favorites and these are like homemade.
taste real close to the my made them will buy again
Like Grandma's and Dad's, except smaller cucumbers.